Why Vitamin C Is Good For Your Skin!

Envie Skin
4 min readMar 1, 2021

Let’s head into the game of skincare!

Well, one of the most effective antioxidants that transform the appearance of your skin — Vitamin C. Whether it’s about enhancing immunity, protecting yourself against cancer, or removing signs of ageing, this anti-ageing ingredient plays a vital role in everyone’s life.

Vitamin C is packed with antioxidants that make your skin radiant and youthful. It destroys the free radicals and provides a brightening and glowing effect on the skin. From tissue repairing to collagen synthesis, it brightens dark spots and smooths fine lines.

So, what are you waiting for? Add this beauty regimen into your daily life. But, before buying, it’s imperative to learn more about vitamin C. That’s why we bring this article to you. Let’s get started!

Table of Content

What is Vitamin C?

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

  • Free Radical Damage
  • Premature Ageing
  • Environmental Stress
  • Dark Spots
  • Brightening

Skin Care Tip Using Vitamin C


What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a versatile ingredient found in many cosmetic products and certain foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and bell peppers. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant which further helps in providing more even skin tone. This is the most powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and also plays a key role in collagen biosynthesis.

Adequate intake of vitamin C is essential to trigger the oxidation and ageing processes. Additionally, it regulates and stimulates collagen synthesis, which helps to renew the skin and improve its elasticity.

Vitamin C also moisturizes the skin well, forming a protective lipid barrier and preventing transepidermal moisture loss. It also brightens and evens out the tone of the face.

If a person has rosacea or redness on the skin, then doctors usually advise him to add caring agents with vitamin C, as it protects the walls of blood vessels and capillaries and reduces their fragility.

On top of that, it also increases the skin’s resistance to ultraviolet rays, stimulates local immunity and regulates the pH balance of the skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Although vitamin C plays an important role and has various benefits for the skin. Vitamin C helps to solve several skin problems:

  • Free Radical Damage

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C help reduce cell damage by neutralizing highly reactive molecules called free radicals.

  • Premature Ageing

By reducing free radicals, vitamin C helps fight the signs of premature ageing. It works by triggering the skin’s natural regeneration process by activating collagen and elastin production when applied topically.

  • Environmental Stress

In addition to free radical damage, vitamin C can also improve the skin against environmental factors such as UV radiation and air pollution.

  • Dark Spots

Vitamin C suppresses the production of melanin, which causes skin discolouration. It can help treat dark spots and pigmentation.

  • Brightening

In addition to treating dark spots, vitamin C acts as a brightening agent that can help prevent the formation of brown spots without affecting the skin’s normal pigmentation.

Vitamin C is not only a versatile skincare ingredient, but you can find it in a variety of products such as cleansers, exfoliants, moisturizers, and even sunscreens.

Skin Care Tip Using Vitamin C

When it comes to vitamin C skincare products, it is important to choose carefully. Different products need to be used and stored differently. Ignoring these factors can affect how much you actually get from the product.

Remember, not all vitamin C foods provide the same benefits. Some vitamin C foods are more stable than others, so they don’t oxidize as quickly. Some products also have special properties that make them better suited for certain skin types.

Before adding a new product to your daily skincare routine, it’s always a good idea to do a test. This is especially important for sensitive skin, as some forms of vitamin C can cause slight irritation.


Before applying or choosing any Vitamin C loaded product or ingredient, it is always best to consult the dermatologists of a reputable skin health center like laser skin clinic in Canberra. They will select the form of the product and the concentration of the vitamin necessary for your skin. If you decide to choose a product yourself, be sure to look at what form of vitamin C is present in the selected product and where it stands in the list of ingredients. If it is in the first 2/3 of the list, then it will work effectively. But if it goes on, the product will not work as we would like.



Envie Skin

Envieskin is your trusted laser skin clinic in canberra, we provide skincare & cosmetic services that includes safe laser hair removal, LED therapy,skin cancer.